8 Reasons to Reject Global Warming and Climate Change Hysteria. (2-min read)

I have written a detailed blog post on the climate change hoax, but here is a quick summary for those who want to understand the main points:

**1. “Climate Change” is a Terrible Phrase

Climate on the earth changes all the time, sometimes dramatically. Even the ice in the north and south poles have come and gone numerous times. There are myriad of powerful forces beyond humans.

**2. “Global Land Temperature” is also a Meaningless Term

To truly measure the “earth’s” temperature, we need to have measurements everywhere, 24×7. Comprehensive monitoring of space and time. It’s impossible!

We can measure temperature in some fixed places but not the “earth’s temperature.” There are only a handful of countries which even have 1000 weather stations. In China, Russia, and Africa — which combined account for about 40% of earth’s land area — there is one weather station for every 30,000 sq. km. It’s a joke.

Even in the US, which has 1000s of monitors, the measurement is done about 10 feet above the ground in an open area. Nobody measures the temperatures close to the ground, under tree shades etc., which are cooler.

Then, think of forests, which make up 30% of earth’s land and are much cooler. No measurements!

**3 Ocean Temperature is Limited to Surface and Not Continuous

A few buoys drifting around on the oceans measure temperature on the surface. No 24×7 measurement of the oceans, which make up 70% of the earth’s total surface.

Also, there are no measurements in the depths of the ocean, which are much colder and obviously also part of the earth.

**4 Satellite Measurements are Inaccurate and Not 24×7

Satellites circle 70,000 km or more above the earth and mostly measure microwave radiations from the atmosphere. Such satellites cannot measure the temperature of the earth’s surface; and do not have granular views — for example, might get a rough idea of an area 10km x 10km. Furthermore, satellites cannot monitor every area 24×7. They get about 4 to 6 “big picture” measurements of vast areas per day.

Some satellites can measure infrared heat waves but they cannot make measurements through clouds.

Basically, incomplete and inaccurate data from satellites.

**5. Data Fudging and Tampering

Every time there is “cooling,” scientists go back and fudge the data to make global warming appear. All the data are highly subjective and must/can/will be manipulated. All the “hockey-stick” charts you see are blatant lies, scientific frauds or simple tricks with graphs and statistics.

**6. No Proof, No Formula

There is no scientific proof for any of the sensational claims made by the scientists. Does CO2 cause warming? Ask for a formula! There is none.

Everything is based on modeling. However, the models cannot predict the weather/climate tomorrow or next week, next month, or next year. And they cannot say what the weather/climate was yesterday, last week, or last month either!

All the modeling tools of climatologists are simplistic and are also replete with human inputs, assumptions, approximations and errors.

**7. Modern Science Does Not Understand Nature

Just like modern science does not understand food and health, it approaches climate science with the same kind of hubris and wrong tools.

Climate science is too complex, too dynamic, too non-linear, and has way too many known and unknown variables.

There are also feedback loops that give self-healing properties to the earth’s ecosystem. For example, higher CO2 means more plants and trees which grow faster and bigger… which in turn absorb CO2. And a warmer climate means more water vapor, which cause clouds, which cool the earth in two ways — by reflecting back sunlight and by causing rain.

**8 Climate Hoax about Control and Taxing

The emissions jihadists will use climate bogeyman to tax the hell out of industries and consumers. We are already seeing this in Europe. Then there will be control on what people can buy, where they can live, where they can travel etc. The COVID pandemic was an excellent trial run for the globalists. Now they will use “climate credits” to control everyone’s lives.

But the same paranoid and hypochondriac people who want to get 10 boosters for COVID have also bought into the gloom-and-doom narratives of global warming. It’s amazing how the 20th century elites are using similar tools that religions used thousands of years ago.

Will the world wake up?

P.S. See my other blog for detailed discussions, data, and charts: Climate Change or Climate Alarmism? A Rational Discussion

— Chris Kanthan


  1. Hello, I would like to kindly and respectfully comment on this article.

    Point 1: I agree climate change is not the best marketing choice. Climate also changed several times. Here is a graph of estimated earth temperature:

    what we notice is that our civilisation started about 10 K years ago which is when the climate became stable and now it is getting out of control which is not very convenient for a human civilisation. Also let’s remember that last ice age was about -6 to – 8 degrees and we had 120m less of the sea level and ice covered much of the europe and a large part of north america. +6/+8 degrees and we will have tropics at poles (which already happened in the past).

    Point 2 Global Land temperature
    Yes we definitely can’t measure all land temperatures today with high precision. But do we need to? It is sufficient to have statistically significant data and consistent points of measure to actually see the change and patterns. In particular, we see ice sheets and glaciers melt in a dramatic way.

    Point 3 Ocean surface temperature
    So we have sea surface temperature and also ocean heat measure (https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-ocean-heat). It doesn’t measure the whole heat, but it gives us enough data. Oceans are actually absorbing a lot of extra heat that is trapped by CO2, 90% of it, IPCC report says. This is why we see all this coral bleaching and dyeing as many corals can’t withstand a large increase in the temperature of the water. That leads to coral based ecosystem collapses.

    Point 4 Satellite data
    I think here we should make the difference between precision and accuracy. When data cover a large area in comparison with the needed measure it can be considered imprecise, but still accurate if the value is in the middle of the statistically distributed curve. Statistics has development many tools to deal with incomplete data and we definitely don’t need to measure everything and be super precise to make models and forecasts.

    Point 5 Data Fudging and Tampering
    it may happen but there is no proof that it has any significance at scale.

    Point 6 No proof, no formula
    I kindly disagree, we have plenty of scientific proof. There are simple kids experiments showing how CO2 traps heat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joQoshnRa20 (first one that I found)
    CO2 traps heat because it absorbs a type of wavelength that would usually escape from space as water vapour does not absorb that infrared frequency. Here is a spectrometry analysis:

    we can see that CO2 shows a pick of absorption at infrared waves at 4to 5 microns and around 15 microns.
    International Pannel for climate change gathered thousands of scientists to create models (which are not perfect but are getting better) where they can calculate how CO2 levels impact the total energy budget of the earth and therefore estimate changes to the climate. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/

    7 modern science does not understand nature
    There is a lot that we don’t understand yet, no doubt there. And we do have some understanding, our medicine is much better that 300 years ago when we used to bleed people and we have so much technology that is based on a lot of understanding of physics which is the study of nature. Climate science is young and not conclusive, and it might have figured out something big which, because of non-linearity, is actually much worse than predicted. The feedback loops are not in the models and we know they are there. https://feedbackloopsclimate.com

    8 Hoax
    Ok I agree that there is a risk of autoritarism, but let’s distinguish the problem and the solution. The problem is there, what solution can we put in place that would actually make our world a better place? Denying the problem will only make it worse. I can think about the fact that 1% of the richest people produce 17 % of emissions and the top 10% around 48% (https://wid.world/news-article/climate-change-the-global-inequality-of-carbon-emissions/) . So the first thing to do is to fight for equality. Circular economy, biodiversity preservation, ecosystems restoration, redesigning cities to be for people, not for cars, better food and conditions for animals, better soils, etc. There is a lot of positive change that could come out of this if we fight for it. If you want, I live in south bay and offer a game on climate change at my local library in West San Jose. https://sjpl.bibliocommons.com/events/639d15f50748ed36005ed6fd Anyone is welcome to join and anyone can become the facilitator afterward.

    I wish you all the best

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, thank you for your polite response. I have already written a long blog post addressing most of your points. Have you seen it? https://worldaffairs.blog/2022/12/30/climate-change-or-climate-alarmism-a-scientific-discussion/

      But I will write a new short blog addressing some of your specific points.

      But here is one point that disproves “ice melting” narrative.

      “Since 1979, the total annual Antarctic sea ice extent has increased about 1 percent per decade” — — 2015 NASA article!


      So, for 36 years, the ice in Antarctica GREW! That disproves all the hysteria. If it had shrunk for 36 years, people would scream that it’s an inevitable proof of global warming.


      1. This is logical! Antarctic land ice is melting which makes water colder and therefore there is a slight increase in sea ice. The same is happening near Greenland which creates locally colder weather.


      2. Yes land ice melts in summer, flows in the sea and cools the water (there is almost no sea ice in Antarctica in summer). Then in winter it requires less energy to cool the water to freeze it. Do you have any other question?


      3. You’re full of rubbish, fake science and fake facts.
        Antarctica has ice extent of 1 million square miles during summer.


        And water flowing into the ocean is a normal phenomenon everywhere in the world. Cold War flowing in summer and waiting for the winter to freeze into ice is some 4th grade logic. That water doesn’t just sit there for months to be frozen.

        Don’t reply and waste my time anymore


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